Customer Comms Team

Customer Comms Team



Make customer support a reliable, positive experience for paying users.

Hit our support SLAs for all High and Normal priority customers (Marcus + Steven)

  • Rationale: Reliable support = Good support.
  • What we'll ship: Scale the team to meet demand and train all new team members in support processes.
  • We'll know we're successful when: We're hitting 90% SLA achievement or above for Normal and High priority tickets.

Drive word of mouth by improving support (Joe)

  • Rationale: Good support = better word-of-mouth.
  • What we'll ship: See issue
  • We'll know we're successful when: We're hitting our SLAs and our CSAT has either improved or remained stable. CSAT is currently 96% satisfaction.

Support CS in sales-led activities (Joe)

  • Rationale: Deals = Growth.
  • What we'll ship: See issue
  • We'll know we're successful when: We're effectively processing deals of all sizes and up/cross-selling users into new features. CS team feel they have everything they need to close 90% of current deals.

Side quests

  • Improve incident and security response processes
  • Keep everyone informed about support metrics

Metrics we care about
